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    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

    What is CBT?

    Do you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks or depression? Have you tried seeking other forms of treatment with little success? Maybe you have been taking antidepressant medications for years, hoping they would resolve your symptoms, only to find that they continue.

    Symptoms can be debilitating and severely limit functioning. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a highly effective treatment for anxiety, depression and many other conditions and can be used on its own, but also with medication. Research tells us a combination of CBT and medication might be the most effective way to treat many mental health issues.

    CBT is a form of talk therapy that addresses the ways you think and act to help you change the way you feel. Originally developed in the 1960s to treat depression, it has since become the foremost, non-medication treatment available and has a very wide range of applications.

    CBT is typically a short-term form of treatment, usually lasting between 10 and 20, one-hour sessions. Sessions usually occur every week, especially at the start of treatment, when your therapist will work to teach you core skills, like learning to identify problematic thought patterns and the sometimes subtle forms of avoidance behaviour that maintain anxiety and fear. Sessions can be spaced further apart once you start to master the skills.

    Help is available if you or your loved are going through mental or emotional challenges. Oakville CBT can help you find the relief you need. Our team of highly skilled and dedicated mental health professionals uses cognitive behaviour therapy to help you achieve recovery and better functioning.

    What Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Can Do for You

    Cognitive behaviour therapy is a skills-based treatment, which means that it offers specific tools you can use to manage symptoms even long after the end of formal meetings with your therapist. Years of research support show that CBT is a highly-effective treatment that:

    • Reduces anxiety
    • Reduces symptoms of depression
    • Helps with recovery from trauma
    • Can reduce substance use and other behaviour problems
    • Can help to improve confidence and self esteem