Work-Life Balance
Are you dealing with Burnout?
Wanting to do your best at home is great. Wanting to do your best at work is also great. But there are only so many hours in a day, and a person only has so much energy to give. Trying to be the best in every area of your life can be too much and leave you feeling exhausted and burnt out.
Burnout Symptoms
Burnout can take many forms, including eating or drinking too much, being irritable with kids or partners, troubles with focus and concentration, and feeling flustered or stressed. When people begin to struggle with work-life imbalance, they often try to cope by doing more of whatever worked for them in the past: When working harder or putting in longer hours did the trick before, then that’s what they try to do this time. But when you’re already ‘spinning your wheels’ pressing harder on the gas-only makes you spin faster. Depression and anxiety can result when those coping strategies a person believes should work don’t and they begin feeling helpless or powerless.
How to Recover from Burnout
Psychologists are the most well-trained mental health professionals, and are experts at helping you to see things you might not see, like patterns of thought and behaviour that lead to burnout and work-life imbalance. For example, some people develop core beliefs about themselves in childhood that convince them they are simply no good. While beliefs like this can be completely false, they’re usually invisible and difficult to get rid of once they take root. People with negative self-concepts might not even know they are there and can go on to believe they must always work harder and harder, ignoring their body’s signals that rest is needed, and can buy-into the no-win situation of believing that if their work isn’t ‘perfect’ all the time, then they are a total failure.
Arrange an appointment with one of our counsellors if you think you might be struggling with burnout or work-life imbalance.